Local Biz/Agency Offering WordPress Security – Complete Business in A Box!

Local Biz/Agency Offering WordPress Security

Blog Defender 2022

Matt Garrett’s Blog Defender 2022

“Local Biz/Agency”

Blog Defender 2022 WP Security: Going Local…
Get your blog secure today [+offer as a service]
It’s not just your site that needs to be secure – Blog Defender Local Edition

WordPress Security is a massive and ongoing problem for local businesses – they’ve usually struggled just getting a site up and running, and now they need to work out how to secure it and their client data as well… :-O

Most are MORE THAN HAPPY to get someone else to take care of it for them – that’s where your profit opportunity comes in…

The brand new 2022 version of Blog Defender shows you exactly how to secure your clients sites AND exactly which plugins to do it with!

But that’s not all…

you also get a bunch of resources to help you get SEO Traffic, generate leads, provide site security services:

#1: You get our Local Business Security Blog Post/Article for you to use on your local agency site.

#2: AND you get our UNBRANDED “Local Business Site Security CheckList” that you can use as a lead generation giveaway – give them the steps they need to go through to secure their site, then offer to do it all for them by simply adding your page link!

#3: WordPress Security SEO Content Guide – Notes on keywords, contents sources, & further resources for creating further WordPress & website security content.

Get Your Blog Defender 2022 “Agency Edition” Bonuses Today while the early bird launch special offer is on:

Matt Garrett’s Blog Defender 2022