The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR – From Yu Shaun

The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR

The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR

Yu Shaun’s The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR

Brand New The Lost Art Of Intentional Living Blueprint + Complete Sales Funnel and Promotional Materials with Private Label Rights.

The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR

Core Pillars Of Sustainable Lifestyle Design & Happiness
“THE LOST ART OF INTENTIONAL LIVING” is the ultimate guide for those who want to live their lives with a purpose and a goal in mind, whether it be happiness or self-improvement.

In this life-changing blueprint, you will discover everything you need to know about defining your priorities in life and making good decisions – How being too emotional ruins your life, how to design your dream life, how to add mindfulness into your life, the keys to living a sustainable life… and many more life-changing tips waiting to be uncovered inside!

Ultimately, this is your customers’ go-to self-help blueprint to learn how to always live life by design, and not by default.

Here’s What You’ll Discover In This Course:
The key to designing your dream life.
8 ways to make your dream life possible today.
Two must-have pillars for creating an intentional life.
15 reasons why you get emotional.
How to control your emotions.
6 habits that make you a better decision-maker.
Can overthinking prevent sound decision-making? See chapter 3 to find out.
4 simple mindfulness exercises that you can do right now.
What to do when you feel like you can’t do anything right.
How to be more mindful in your everyday life.
8 tips to help you get out of a funk.
The shocking cause of regret in life and how to avoid it.
4 factors that are preventing you from living a sustainable life.
10 ways to live a sustainable life.
… And so much more waiting to be uncovered inside!

The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR Upgrades (OTOs)

Front-End Product
Module 1: Premium Quality Ebook
Module 2: Complete Check List
Module 3: Comprehensive Mind Map
Module 4: High Converting Sales Page &
Thank You Page
Module 5: Hypnotizing Video Sales Letter
Module 6: Exclusive Lead Magnet
Module 7: Professional Landing Page
Module 8: Follow-up Email Swipes
Module 9: Stunning Graphics Pack
Module 10: License Certificates
Fast-Action Bonus 1: PLR Powerhouse
Fast-Action Bonus 2: Sales Funnel Hacks
Fast-Action Bonus 3: Unannounced Bonuses
OTO 1 Product
Module 1: High-Quality Videos Upgrade
Module 2: High-Converting Upsell Page
Module 3: Professional Video Sales Letter
Module 4: Professional Slides To All Videos
Module 5: Complete Video Transcripts
Module 6: Mp3 Audio Files
Module 7: Exclusive PLR To PRO Upgrade
Collection of 4 Best-Selling PLR Packages in One Special Offer!
All PLR Packages come with Full Front-End Product + PRO Upgrades
Done-For-You Installation Service
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Learn More About The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR:

Yu Shaun’s The Lost Art Of Intentional Living PLR